Monday, June 16, 2008

1000 words a day

Monday 5:35pm 16June08

Today I begin again. I'm getting back to writing 1000 words a day. It's the only thing that really works for me. I write a thousand words each day and I get back into that groove where the great descriptions happen and the words flow and the stories come together.

It's just so darn easy to get bogged down with life and cleaning the house and checking out the cute guy and oh, it's sunny out maybe i should call a friend! It's ridiculous. So it has to be about every single day. Pull out the looseleaf paper and write until I hit the thousand words. And we'll see where it gets me by the end of the year.

And in the meantime, I write one of my favorite Ray Bradbury quotes, "The Muse must have shape. You will write a thousand words a day for ten to twenty years in order to try to give it shape, to learn enough about grammar and story construction so that these become part of the Subconscious, without restraining or distorting the Muse." pg 45 of Zen in the Art of Writing, Releasing the Creative Genius Withing You.

Such a great book. He can't contain his passion for writing. If you're going to take anyone's writing advice, I think it should be from someone who can't contain his passion for writing.


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