Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nano Day 2

Tuesday 2Nov10
It's always a learning experience doing nanowrimo even if you end up with a crappy novel at the end of it.

I realized yesterday that I could goof off a whole lot and still write over 2000 words. That was a good thing to find out. Often what happens is that I'll be goofing off and think that I've blown my chances for any good writing for the day. Yesterday showed me different.

I'm also participating in Robert Lee Brewer's poem a day prompts for a poetry chapbook by the end of November. The first year I did it, he had us write poems around one theme. It gave me the idea to write poems in character. So this year as part of Nanowrimo I decided that I would use his prompts for my main character Arrabella. I start off my writing with his prompt and continue on with the novel. It's a good way to slip back into the novel with little pressure.

So far I'm at 3831 words for my nano novel and am about to take a break and do some yoga so I'm not all stiff from sitting at the computer and make loads more peppermint tea. I also decided this morning that I wanted to play some music so I've been listening to Miles Davis... Cookin' at the Plugged Nickel; No Blues and an album with the Lighthouse All Stars, can't remember the title. It's good. Got a good groove going.

Well, that's me for the lunch hour.

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