Monday, May 7, 2012

What Matters Most

I received two emails today about writing and fear. This one from Manage Your Writing and another one about a writer who has been feeling shy about promoting his e-course.

Boy oh boy, us human creatures, we can plague ourselves with all sorts of fears can't we?

I'm starting to keep a list of what gets me to write. I realized lately that although I can't stand it when someone repeats him or herself in conversation, that repetition gets me going in writing. In my Blue Metropolis piece that I wrote on the EY Page about going to my old homes, "This is the place where," got me going and I've been writing more in my journal using that as my jumping off point.

And today in writing about how I beat myself up, also on the EY Page , I also found that writing, "What matters most is," helped me to get going.

I know that writing practice is what keeps me sane and gets me out of my fear. That is what Writing by Kaizen is about. Practice today even if it's crap. Practice today even if I don't learn anything. Practice today, get the words on paper, with practice I find out what's inside, what needs to come out, what matters most...

What Matters Most

What matters most is that I take it easier on myself.
I can work on my writing daily but I don’t have to be super focused all of the time
I can goof off a little
I can go to bed early when I feel tired
I can have a glass of wine
I’ve berated myself enough in this lifetime
Berating myself never motivates me to accomplish more
It stops me
Feet stuck in quicksand
Mind overwhelmed in chaotic nervous thoughts

What matters most is that I learn to love my life exactly how it is
Right now
Yes I could afford to lose a few pounds
But spending my thoughts on how I’ve failed only makes me feel like I’m a lost cause
Might as well eat more cake

What matters most is that I have the space that I need for myself
I need to have moments of silence to hear my own voice inside my head
That voice gives me the answers I need when I have questions
But she’s so soft spoken
She can get lost in the noise of other people’s unsolicited opinions
No matter the attention getting cries from others, I need to make time for myself
I can’t survive and thrive without it.


a few hours after I posted this post:
And as I'm trolling for potential Liebster nominees I come across this entry on Fear and Writing. Yup it's the theme of the day!

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