Monday, May 28, 2012

Writing Inspirations and Prompts

Now that I'm tipping my toes back into blogging semi-regularly, I've been thinking about what I want the content to be. I can't see myself getting back to my old blogging style of writing a blog a day of just stream of consciousness, like I did in the past. So as it sits for this blog, I am going through all the crazy notes I have and pulling out the pieces that have inspired me and we'll see how it goes from there.

Writing Prayer
Why not say a prayer, it can't hurt. And Marianne Williamson is always guaranteed to have some good words:
Dear God,
Deliver me to my writing. Deliver me to my passion. Deliver me to my brilliance. Deliver me to my intelligence. Deliver me to my depth. Deliver me to my nobility. Deliver me to my beauty. Deliver me to my power to heal. Deliver me to You.
-Marianne Williamson

Movie Quote from Finding Forrester

Sit. Go ahead.

Write. No thinking. That comes later. You write your first draft...with your heart. You rewrite with your head.

The first key to writing write. Not to think.

Take someone else’s writing and start typing it (like "A Season of Faith's Perfection.".)

Sometimes the simple rhythm of typing gets us from page one to page two.

When you begin to feel your own words, start typing them.

Punch the keys for God's sake!

Blog Inspiration – Katey Schultz

I've been following Katey for several years. She always provides me with inspiration, top notch writing and a good look at how hard it is to be a full-time writer.

Writing/Art hybrid - Do a contour drawing of anything you see. Then freewrite over it whatever scene you have been stuck on or anything you may want to write. I really love doing this.

Read Katey's description of the class she taught this to

And Philip Hartigan whom she learned it from.


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